Thursday, 7 May 2015

Mesh Construction

Polygonal Modelling 
A polygon mesh is a series of vertices, edges and faces that make up the shape of an object the faces usually consist of triangles quadrilaterals or other simple convex polygons 
Although you can create a mesh entirely manually placing each polygon it's more common to use a variety of tools when creating a mesh there is a wide variety of software packages that can be used for creating meshes

Primitive Modelling 

A common method of modelling that connects together primitive shapes in order to create the model these shapes are created by the software most of the time and built into the system it''s a very simple form of modelling but can be used quite effectively  
primitive shapes include: Cubes, cones, cylinders, pyramids, spheres and 2D primitives such as square's triangles and disks

Box Modelling
Box Modelling is one of the more popular methods of modelling where you start with a box and create a model out of it you do this using two simple tools:

The Subdivide tool which splits faces and edges into similar pieces by creating new vertices for example a square would be subdivided by adding one vertex down the centre and one on each edge this would create 4 smaller squares 

The Extrude tool is applied to a face or a group of faces it creates a new face of the same size and shape which is connected to the existing edges by a face therefore extruding a square would create a cube connected to the surface at the location of the face  

Extrusion Modelling
Extrusion modelling is another common form of modelling it is done by creating a 2D shape which traces the outline of an object in a photograph or drawing and then using another picture to look at the object from a different angle and then putting the 2D shape into 3D software and using the extrude software to make the 2D shape 3D sometimes this is done with multiple shapes rather than just one if there are certain parts of the object that stick out more than others  

Sketch Modelling
Sketch modelling is a specialized form of modelling where instead of creating shapes and manipulating them you draw 2D shapes and the software transforms it into 3D for you it is good for making quick low detailed models however if you get good with it and put in a lot of practice you can make some very high detailed models a lot quicker than you could using a more conventional 3D software such as lightwave

3D Scanners
3D scanners can be used to make high detail meshes of existing real world objects in an almost automatic way they just scan the object you want and create a mesh of it however these devices are very expensive and only really used by industry professionals and researchers


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