Thursday, 7 May 2015


To begin my production I created the stubs for my mechs feet this was rather easy as I just created a box and then deleted the top of the box and rotated it so that it would stick up I then copied this and put in a box to connect the two and this was now the base for a foot of my mech
After I had done this I extruded out the box to create the beginning of a leg and added a top to the feet
Next I beveled out the leg box in order to create knees and connected the two legs together with a line that will become the base for the body
Then I turned the base shape I had made or the body into a full shape by using the draw points tool and drawing around the base shape I had already created this made the shield shaped body I had aimed for and I then deleted the base shapes as they were no longer needed
Next I added the window where someone would sit if they were to get inside the mech I did this by first creating a flat box and then rotating the front of it so that it was near touching the mech I then added a top to it using another flat box and putting it between the mech and the slanted box then I used the draw polygon tool to create the sides
After that I added on the arms to do this I added a ramp shape onto the side of the shield and put a ball in it to add the effect of a shoulder pad I then created a box below the ramp and then extruded it downwards and then out I then added a circle onto the end of the this and slightly extruded it out in order to create a base for the minigun I then put more circles within the mingun and extruded them out and put another ring on the end of them I then extruded the circles through this ring so that they stuck out a little creating a minigun out of cylinders and rings a problem I encountered with this is that it created a lot of extra polygons that I didn't need that I had to go back through and delete in order to smooth en out the shape of the minigun
Then I mirrored the arm across without the minigun and replaced this with a drill to do this I created a circle at the end of the arm and beveled it out and slowly thinned it in small stages so that it created a cone shape with a point at the end
Next I added a rocket pod to do this I created a box on the left shoulder of the mech and put another larger box onto of this and used the same technique I used for the minigun to create silos for the missiles to come out of
I added the surfacing groups to do this I selected a group of polygons and pressed 'q' this groups the polygons together and makes them use the same surfacing properties the groups I created were body, minigun, drill, window, window frame, shoulders and rocket pod I also made a start on the jetpack by adding two cylinders on the back connected by a circle frame in the middle I then again used the cylinders to create holes in the back in which the flames to propel the mech would come out of
Then I multiplied the amount of cylinders to give it a few thrusters and then made them into a surface group called Jetpack
Finally I used the surface presets to apply surfaces to each group for the most part I used steel because a mech would probably be made out of this however I used brass for the drill to give a bioshock vibe as the drill is inspired from the big daddy's in Bioshock I also used antique metal for the mingun as this looked better for the cylindrical construct of the minigun

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